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Sports Psychology
Competitive Attitude
These are lessons from Tim Grover who was the trainer for Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and a myriad of other top athletes.
I recommend listening to these tracks multiple times since Tim provides a perspective that is radically different from 99.9% of people.
1 Tim Grover
00:00 / 11:21
2Tim Grover
00:00 / 06:33
3.10Tim Grover
00:00 / 21:21
3.20Tim Grover
00:00 / 19:00
3.30Tim Grover
00:00 / 22:24
4Tim Grover
00:00 / 20:22
5Tim Grover
00:00 / 09:34
6 & 7Tim Grover
00:00 / 10:04
8Tim Grover
00:00 / 19:51
9 10 11Tim Grover
00:00 / 22:11
1 Reality CheckTim Grover
00:00 / 19:43
2 Reality Check Tim Grover
00:00 / 20:04
3 Reality Check Tim Grover
00:00 / 15:29
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